
Category Archives: Blog post

Announcing the #DefundLine3 Campaign

Stopping Line 3 is a matter of justice. It is about justice for the land. It’s about justice for the water. Justice for Anishinaabe people whose culture and way of life it threatens. Justice for people all over the world who are being impacted by the climate crisis. That’s why I am excited to announce […]

Take Action: Stop toxic tar sands Line 3 pipeline

Two weeks ago, the toxic Line 3 tar sands pipeline had its final water crossing permits approved by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, a decision that caused twelve members of the Agency’s environmental justice advisory committee to resign in protest. Within a matter of weeks, Enbridge Energy is planning to start construction in rural Minnesota, bringing hundreds of […]

BlackRock is getting swarmed, all around the world

This week saw grassroots actions against the firm in Palo Alto, Los Angeles, Boston and New York. CEO Larry Fink’s media response was predictable, and unacceptable. More this week! The September Swarm against BlackRock is on! Activists gathered in Palo Alto and Boston and called on BlackRock to stop funding the climate emergency, forest destruction […]

69 Organizations Tell Fed to Stop Buying Fossil Fuel Debt

In letter, groups who are part of the Stop the Money Pipeline coalition outline how the Fed has prioritized fossil fuels in its response to the pandemic July 30, 2020, New York, NY — Today in a letter to the Federal Reserve (the Fed), 69 public accountability, environmental, economic justice, science, health, and religious organizations […]

Wall Street and Fossil Fuel Companies Are Funding Police Violence

One of our Stop the Money Pipeline coalition partners, the Public Accountability Initiative, just released a new report that maps how major financial institutions and fossil fuel corporations are funding police foundations in cities across the United States. As The Guardian explains in an article about the report: Big corporations accused of driving environmental and […]