
Category Archives: In The News

Wall Street Must Condemn Trump’s Attack on Democracy

Stop the Money Pipeline calls on Wall Street and corporate leaders to condemn Trump’s attacks on democracy  New York, NY — With President Trump attempting to undermine election results, Wall Street institutions and their CEOs must step up to help defend our democracy, say groups with Stop the Money Pipeline, a coalition of over 130 […]

Sen. Merkley’s New Legislation Would Ban the Funding of Fossil Fuels

Washington, D.C. — Organizations with Stop the Money Pipeline, a coalition of over 130 groups working to end the financing of climate destruction, applauded the introduction of two new bills from Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) that would prevent banks and international financial institutions from continuing to finance fossil fuels.  The Protecting America’s Economy from the […]

Indigenous Women Leaders Warn Global Financial Companies to Stop Support for Tar Sands Oil

With key financial decision points looming on the Keystone XL, Line 3, and Trans Mountain pipelines, an open letter calls for policies respecting Indigenous rights and ruling out tar sands October 19, 2020 – This week, over 40 Indigenous women from communities impacted by tar sands sent an open letter to 70 major banks, insurers, and […]

JPMorgan Chase’s Paris Announcement Isn’t Enough

JPMorgan Chase Can’t Be Paris Aligned If It’s Still Funding Fossil Fuels  Members of Stop the Money Pipeline, a coalition of over 130 groups working to end the financing of climate chaos, respond to JPMorgan Chase’s “Paris-Alignment” announcement  JPMorgan Chase, the world’s largest banker of fossil fuels, announced this afternoon that it is committing to […]

Nationwide Protests at Financial Institutions Call for An End to Funding for Tar Sands Pipelines 

Activists target JP Morgan Chase, Liberty Mutual, and BlackRock for funding the Line 3, Trans Mountain, and Keystone XL Pipelines  Dozens of events took place across the country today as part of “Stop Funding Tar Sands: Day of Solidarity with Frontline Communities,” an international day of demonstrations against the financing of tar sands pipelines that […]

BlackRock is getting swarmed, all around the world

This week saw grassroots actions against the firm in Palo Alto, Los Angeles, Boston and New York. CEO Larry Fink’s media response was predictable, and unacceptable. More this week! The September Swarm against BlackRock is on! Activists gathered in Palo Alto and Boston and called on BlackRock to stop funding the climate emergency, forest destruction […]

Financial Regulators Must Do More to Address Climate Risk

This morning, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission issued its report on the risks that the climate emergency poses to the financial system. The report, Managing Climate Risk in the U.S. Financial System, warns of the grave threats that climate change poses to financial markets and institutions. It fails to mention, however, the threat that financial […]

Wall Street and Fossil Fuel Companies Are Funding Police Violence

One of our Stop the Money Pipeline coalition partners, the Public Accountability Initiative, just released a new report that maps how major financial institutions and fossil fuel corporations are funding police foundations in cities across the United States. As The Guardian explains in an article about the report: Big corporations accused of driving environmental and […]